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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Google Top 10 for various keywords

Just wasting my time without nothing interesting to do, i tried to type in few words in google rankings to find the position of benangruwet.blogspot. Amazed to see the biggest search engine on the internet results, i documented them. Here are the keywords that bring my website blog to top 10: "kompetisi keyword, keyword kompetisi, bali kompetisi keyword, bali pengangguran, kompetisi keyword google".

For "bali google rankings" i'm in 12. "bali keyword" = 29 and "top bali web" = 30. Along with "bulan madu, bulan madu bali" and "hotel murah" in top 10 also. Then i tried to mix and match the words. Again "bulan competition" and "kompetisi bulan" place me in position 5. Its so much fun! I wonder how about the other combinations? hehe.. But some phrases are hard to catch. I've been struggling with "bali web design" for 3 weeks.

Search engine and website optimization are the only things that draw my biggest attention at this time. I find it very intriguing and challenging. I'm not only working here as an SEO, ...


randompage said...

kalo boleh tahu,
snapshotnya ngambil dari mana ??
aku kan yaa pingin make toolnya juga.. :D

itung2 belajar SEO


Unknown said...

wei, ambil aja free software pake keyword " screen capture"