technically effective and user friendly new website graphic design concept.
optimized for search engine and marketing purpose.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
new concept
Monday, October 29, 2007
Necessity of Rich and Unique Content
Content and content
I kind of lazy in writing. but what would SEO be without text?
I hate plagiarism, but i found it easy and a bypass when i have no mood in composing article or no idea what to write.
Google algorithm keeps changing. meta tag then would be meaningless. but if we have a strong content and dozens of articles, our position would be secure. other benefit is that more articles will bring us wider area to expand keyword or target market.
You will be surprised of in what keyword your website is appeared. it might be a term that you never expect or optimize. just like my previous post of Google Top 10 Position
google robot,
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Google Gets Harder
Month ago i lost It's totally a copy-cat from other websites to win a keyword competition. Then yesterday i realized that i lost some pages of Exo***holidays in google SERP . And today BENANGRUWET!!!
Good news is.. benangruwet has 95% unique contents, so i just lost the 5%. And luckily Exo*** is just a pilot site where i plan to use it as a media to draw the attention and interest of my colleagues to do a blogging.
Here is a word from google support:
" some cases, content is deliberately duplicated across domains in an attempt to manipulate search engine rankings or win more traffic. Deceptive practices like this can result in a Poor user experience, when a visitor sees substantially the same content repeated within a set of search results.
Google tries hard to index and show pages with distinct information. This filtering means, for instance, that if your site has a "regular" and "printer" version of each article, and neither of these is blocked in robots.txt or with a noindex meta tag, we'll choose one of them to list. In the rare cases in which Google perceives that duplicate content may be shown with intent to manipulate our rankings and deceive our users, we'll also make appropriate adjustments in the indexing and ranking of the sites involved. As a result, the ranking of the site may suffer, or the site might be removed entirely from the Google index, in which case it will no longer appear in search results..."
Thursday, September 20, 2007
My September Villa
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Live Chat Software
Benefits for Online Sales
• Increase online revenues. Live chat and click-to-call helps you improve conversion rates and increase order size.
• Shorten the sales cycle. Connect with customers instantly with live chat or click-to-call to close on-the-spot sales.
• Increase customer loyalty. Build confidence and trust with your customers by showing them that a live representative is just a click away.
Benefits for Online Support
• Decrease personnel costs. One operator can easily handle multiple live chats at the same time.
• Increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. Give your customers instant live help and provide immediate answers to their questions.
• Lower your phone bill. Save money be deflecting 1-800 calls to live chat and click-to-call while promoting traffic to your website.
Live chat software is quick to setup, easy to maintain and affordable.
Affiliate: How it works
In affiliate project we can determine which medium that will be considered success, whether Pay Per Click, Pay Per Lead or certain action such as booking. Then we make a payment to the affiliate partner. The percentage can be discussed later. While buying text link ads is starting from $19/month in high Page Rank websites, guarantee to boost our position in top 5, by building inbound links.
More clicks -> More traffics -> More money
Here is one of Affiliate Service in Indonesia i recently join with.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Google Top 10 for various keywords
Just wasting my time without nothing interesting to do, i tried to type in few words in google rankings to find the position of benangruwet.blogspot. Amazed to see the biggest search engine on the internet results, i documented them. Here are the keywords that bring my website blog to top 10: "kompetisi keyword, keyword kompetisi, bali kompetisi keyword, bali pengangguran, kompetisi keyword google".
For "bali google rankings" i'm in 12. "bali keyword" = 29 and "top bali web" = 30. Along with "bulan madu, bulan madu bali" and "hotel murah" in top 10 also. Then i tried to mix and match the words. Again "bulan competition" and "kompetisi bulan" place me in position 5. Its so much fun! I wonder how about the other combinations? hehe.. But some phrases are hard to catch. I've been struggling with "bali web design" for 3 weeks.
Search engine and website optimization are the only things that draw my biggest attention at this time. I find it very intriguing and challenging. I'm not only working here as an SEO, ...
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Thursday, July 05, 2007
My Bali Web Design version 2
Now "bali web design" of benangruwet.blogspot sits in:
Btw, where is kristanto and studio?
Would u mind give an info on your progress? For any of these keywords:
- bulan madu bali
- bali web design
- hotel murah
Isn't it exciting, guys?
My hotel murah got its first index and its OK.
Waiting for Google robot to visit my website is something exciting. I had made some experiments on contents and SEO. First i used keyword "bulan madu bali" and it reached top 5. Second was " bali web design" and after 2 weeks it topped in 100 something. And now "hotel murah" and yesterday ranked in number 10 (
Here is the snapshot of google rankings for word search hotel murah.
Monday, July 02, 2007
Baru lagi. Hotel Murah !
New keyword for new blog. try new web. setelah bali web design, kucoba "hotel murah".
bulan madu bali dah kutinggalin 2 minggu lalu, entah posisi berapa skrg.
mau ikutan?? visit
yang murah.. yang murah...
My Bali Web Design Reached Top 350
tnyata bisa jg masuk top 350 di google untuk bali web design. kirain g bisa, krn ngerjain optimizationnya baru kamis kemaren, itu jg sekali itu aja sampe skrg. sempet patah hati krn bahkan g masuk 1000. lah gimana bisa? lah wong bali web design saingannya sampe 1.800.000.
hoho... jgn ketawa dulu. belum top 100.
CIAO !!!!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
1.800.000 web search result for "bali web design"
both and for keyword search "bali web design" show result of websites nearly 2 millions!! (1.800.000) . GODDAM***!
and as of today, my site has not been indexed by Google yet. maybe tomorrow or.. never??
i'm thinking it again. how to optimize my blog with word phrase bali web design and those competitors?
should i proceeed?????
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
List Bali Web Design services
Berikut adalah list dari mereka yang menawarkan design web di bali, yang berposisi di search result untuk pencarian "bali web design". Mereka jugalah yang harus kugeser untuk keyword bali web design tersebut selama 3 hari kedepan.
Bali Web Design, Bali Web Promotion, pictures, marketing, photography and computer service in
bali gatra is bali
Web design. Includes company background, portfolio, prices, and contact details. [Uses Flash]
Web Site Design Service, Multimedia production, WAP developer, Web hosting ... Indonesian bali web design /wap developer, web hosting, domain name and ...
Complete Web Services: Web Hosting Solutions, Domain Name Services, Administration (Linux / Apache), SEO and SE Rank Analysis, online Business.
Bali Web Services - Professional Website Design/Development & Web Hosting by
TukangDesign is a web and media design company located in Padangtegal, Ubud,
Web Design Your business needs powerful web graphics for compelling web sites, but you are having trouble with Web graphics. You need to create stunning web ...
bali web design
nah ini dia.
bali web design
keyword baru untuk next competition. saat aku ketik phrase bali web design di google, aku menemukan salah satu rekan di page one > babonmultimedia. website tersebut kaya akan kata-kata bali, design dan web. beserta turunannya dan related spt: Web Site Design Service, Multimedia production, WAP developer, Web hosting ... Indonesian bali web design /wap developer, web hosting, domain name and.. (copy paste dr search page).
kenapa bali web design?
karena salah satu pesaing dah memiliki artikel dan content mengenai web design bali. dan pemenang kontest sebelumnya (bulan madu bali) setuju dan saat ini sedang mengejar kemenangan berikutnya.
gimana nanti hasilnya? kita lihat saja siapa pemenang kali ini untuk pencarian "bali web design"
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Still No 2 in Bulan Madu Bali
Capek deii...
Masih juga no 2 di, com dan ranking untuk kata pencarian bulan madu bali.
Good news is... (also sad news), first position is, not Meaning that kalau andai misalkan bilamana kompetisi ditutup selasa kemaren, I will be the winner and Nasruldev will be the runner up.
I might be the winner and won a domain. huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...................
Monday, June 25, 2007
Per hari jumat Atlantic Zone time kemaren, , dan kompakan menempatkan di posisi 2 untuk keyword bulan madu bali.
Its the first time those 3 search tools have an agreement. Hiks.. but why not no 1? Still beat by my competitor, the He won a new domain. The closing date and judgment time is 12 o'clock pm last sunday.
AARrrggghh !!! gemes dehhh... tipis bgt menang.. eh kalahnya.
(yuhuuuuu...poel. where are youuuu...??? web'mu dilelang aja deh. design web tidak robot friendly)
Friday, June 22, 2007
Top 10 for bulan madu bali
These are my website position per week for Keyword bulan madu bali:
1. Wednesday, June 20 to Today, June 22, 9.23 am
no. 4
Website features: meta tag, title, heading, keyword (bulan madu bali, bulanmadu bali, madu bali, bali bulanmadu, bali bulan madu), description, 2 articles
2. Last Friday, June 15 to Tuesday, June 19
no. 6
Website features: no meta tag, no title, no description, 1 article
2 inbound links, 1 rich keyword web page, lots of incoming traffic, blog.
As of Wednesday, June 20. Position = 9.
As of Thursday, June 21. Position = 3.
The graphic is almost the same with, but a bit higher.
I was surprised when yesterday my competitor (nasdev) suddenly came up in no 1 till now. He used to be below 100 while the other still couldn't manage to climb up. I checked other keywords such as bulan madu, madu bali, bali madu, bulan bali and bulanmadu.
For bulan madu and madu bali, i'm the runner up (2nd of 3).
For bali madu and bulan bali, i'm higher than nasdev.
For bulanmadu, i come up in rank 28, still higher than nasdev.
(data found per Friday, June 22, 10.00 Wita, GMT)
Next: Conclusion on website position, ranking and keyword used in SEO.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Bulan madu di Bali, mau kemana?
Berikut daftar tujuan wisata atau tempat yang menawarkan paket bulan madu di
Paket Bulan MaduUntuk Hadiah pernikahan yang mengadakan bulan madu (honeymoon) di
Bulan Madu is a direct translation of Honey Moon; this exquisite villa covers an area of 350 square metres, and is totally private with its own exclusive entrance flanked by elephant welcome statues. Guests staying here will benefit from all of the same 5-star services that are provided at Indah Manis. Upon arrival they will receive a complimentary bottle of sparkling wine and complimentary massage each in the Honeymoon Suite. Romantic candlelit dinners for two are a speciality of Bulan Madu.
Bali Safari Bulan Madu, Bali Daisy & Reinhold Daisy & Reinhold Schulz Jl. Pantai Berawa 100 - Berawa Beach Road 100 Canggu - Kuta, Denpasar 80361
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Gara-gara Bulan Madu Bali
hari ini aku blank. ngantuk. g bs mikir apapun.
kerjaan cuma ngecek'in web position di google co id untuk keyword bulan madu bali. masalah kenapa ato kata2 bulan madu bali, bukannya bulanmadu bali ato bali bulan madu, semuanya dah kubahas di post sblmnya.
kusearch lewat pc'ku, stabil di posisi 6, sementara 2 pesaing nasruldev dan baliidea main gondal-gandul alias naik turun seenak udelnya.
tp hasil pencarian untuk kata kunci yg sama yaitu "bulan madu bali" (kl g pcya, klik aja) di komputer ipoel dan nasrul kok beda. aku ada di halaman kedua (tp tetep aja yg tertinggi dan mereka jauuuh dibawahku. hohoho..)
akhirnya kudpt jawabannya:
dah tau kenapa??
Friday, June 15, 2007
Bulan Madu Bali
last nite
ipoel, nasrul, anton n me. we gathered in nasrul's room. talking craps. ipoel just recently wed, so that the issue of bulan madu came. since we live in bali suddenly i had this idea.
"guys.. why dont we make a competition? using keyword BULAN MADU BALI. let's see who gets the highest rank for the next 10 days. the winner will be bought a new domain."
"lets do it" (said nasrul n ipoel. 3 of us are skilled in SEO, work in same office). nasrul with his website > (sell used car and home). ipoel with (bali web design and consultation)
if you wonder why we choose the 3 words > bulan madu bali instead of just bulan madu or bulanmadu? its merely Search Engine Optimization calculations. its hard to compete bali, or just bulan madu on the net. there's a LOT of competitors. If you dont believe me, just enter the words into the google search box on this web blog. Look at the result. And why again it will narrowed the search (local) and difficulties, rather than have it in hehe..
so, gals. please help me!
1. by clicking bulan madu bali
2. by placing
in your website/blog (just copy the url and paste it in your blog/article/comment etc)
ps: ipoel.. hadiahnya stick to the plan. domain aja. bukan paket bulan madu bali, ocret?
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Angels in my life
Here though these person i mentioned may never read this blog ( wow hope not due to the topic of posts i wrote) i would love to utter my greatest gratitude of their helping hands.
At university :
1. Mr. Gurito ( my advisor) > end of 2nd semester i planned to drop out my study since my family got bankrupt thanks to the 1997 monetery crisis, i came and said it to him. He thought deep and advised me to consult the Dean for a possibility to get a scholarship though its only given to 4rd semester students and above. Its so smooth that i couldnt believe i managed to continue my study. I got scholarship till 7th semester. The consequence was i had to maintain my IP or GPA above 3.00. And 2. Mr.Luluk Priambodo who make sure i received this and another scholarships each semester.
3. Mr. Soetrisno (a senior lecture) > who kept pushing me to finish my thesis and when i havent finished it till the 13th semester, he challenged me to have it done in 3 months and would pay for my graduation fee (maksudnya biaya wisuda :p ). He was dissapointed when i switched to A non-thesis program since he knew my GPA was fine. Its not that i wasnt able to answer his challenge but i didnt have time and enough motivation to do the research and all those typing. For a year he gave me assistancy work in his office as a data entry. The payment was quite good. And he gave me other several favors.
Without them, i believe i couldnt finished my study and never sit here and type this post.
At work:
1. Shierly M. > who informed me of a job vacancy in Alto. It was the beginning of my career.
2. Ko Itpin and Vera > who trusted me as their Web content editor and provided a stepping stone to my future career in their small unforgetable company.
3. Dendeng > whose support and old motorcyle took me to ITS almost every nite.
3. Aileen & Stephanie > if i didnt work with them in jakarta, i might not in Bali right now.
4. Bandeng Dharmo > he the one who introduced me to Andy in Absolute Scuba Bali
5. Andy > who taught me SEO from zero, my next major step of skills
6. Galih W. > who informed about jobs in GMSI
7. Ms. Ina > provides me a huge opportunity under her management in GMSI
8. Mr.Priyo > willing to give me a chance to prove my self as a SEO Specialist and one great favor in my January-March's dillema.
SOoo.. many other names that would take 2 hours to write down here. My family, friends, bestfriends, and enemies. These people may not always be nice, but their intention is pure. They came across my life as angels and God uses them to show me the path to happiness.
I Thank You Deeply. May God Bless You.